Do Unto Others

September 8 - October 12

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” – Matthew 7:12

“Love your neighbor as yourself.” Mark 12:31, Matthew 22:39

These words of Jesus sound simple enough, but what does it look like to live them in our daily lives? How do we navigate the difficult issues, including our current political climate, while loving our neighbors, including those who disagree with us? Let’s first acknowledge that this isn’t easy. The truth is our communities consist of people who disagree on some pretty fundamental issues. Yet we are all loved by the God in whose image we are created. So while it isn’t easy, it is the work we have been called to do.

It is with that in mind that we launch this series called “Do Unto Others.” Developed by Resurrection, A United Methodist Church and Worship Design Studio, this series is a call to being intentional in the ways that we treat each other even, and perhaps especially, when we disagree. It is an invitation to approach relationships with kindness, compassion, humility, respect, and love. Treating each other with respect doesn’t wipe away our differences; nor does it ignore the big issues that need resolved in our world. Rather, it invites us to see the humanity in us all as we engage with each other.

This is not just a Sunday series. Yes, our Sunday messages will be focused on these topics, but we will also be exploring them in other ways including on social media and challenging you to put them into action in your own life, including through an Kindness Calendar full of ideas for living out these principles on a daily basis throughout this series. It is available online using the “Kindness Calendar” button below or you can pick up a paper copy in the Hall at the church building.

And if you would like to wear these values, we have shirts available as well. Find details and place your order today using the “Order Shirts” button below. Don’t delay; the order deadline is Wednesday, September 25.

Together we can create a kinder world. Will you join the cause?